North Idaho District FFA Career Development Events By: Dr. Jeremy Falk Skills in agriculture were recently demonstrated by FFA members when the North Idaho District (NID) held its Career Development Events with the support of faculty and students in Agricultural and Extension Education. More than 50 high school students participated in three events: Meats Evaluation CDE, Job Interview CDE, and the district officer selection process. Collegiate FFA members were active in running the day’s events and were cheerful guides for the high school students. “It is a fun way to be involved and see behind-the-scenes when we host CDEs on campus. I feel like I’ll be better prepared when I’m an agriculture teacher,” said Pamela Holman, graduate student in Agricultural and Extension Education. Paulette House, CALS Director of Student Recruitment, attended the NID CDEs to help provide FFA members with information about applying to the University of Idaho and to use their talents i...