Meet Our Graduate Students

This fall the AEE department is welcoming two new graduate students to the program. F eel free to stop by their office in the AEE building and say hello! Anna Pratt I am originally from Blackfoot, ID where I grew up on a beef cattle operation. While I love teaching in a classroom, there are many issues facing agricultural and general education that I would like to commit my life to addressing. To help accomplish that I want to learn more about research and how to analyze large issues effectively. Samantha Roberts Hello, my name is Samantha Roberts and I am from Kuna, Idaho. I decided to pursue a graduate degree in Agriculture Education because I have a passion for teaching children about agriculture through 4-H. I want to obtain a career as a 4-H Extension Educator to fulfill this passion. My thesis is about parental involvement in youth extension programs, and I hope to find the best ways to get parents involved in their child's extracurricul...