Empowering Agricultural Education through Animal Science Block & Bridle member, Mallery Sisson, providing horse showmanship tips. Block and Bridle members have been given many opportunities to travel and instruct clinics in numerous counties. Any block and bridle member who has the desire to teach is permitted to do so at these clinics. Some of the individuals instructing these clinics are agricultural education undergrads. Makenna Ellinghaus, a sophomore majoring in agricultural education, stated “I believe that helping facilitate a clinic like the Block and Bridle spring clinic both benefits the youth in the area as well as members to expand the knowledge of livestock. This will help in the future as an agriculture educator to expand how I can help my students”. By teaching at these clinics, anyone can develop their public speaking skills as well as their teaching skills. Many times, the group will range anywhere from 8 years of age to 18. A clinician is given th...