
Showing posts from September, 2017

Teach Ag Champion

DR. JEREMY FALK SELECTED AS 2017 TEACH AG CHAMPION by  Ellen Thompson Project Director, National Teach Ag Campaign        CHICAGO – Each year, the National Teach Ag Campaign formally recognizes individuals and organizations who work tirelessly to address the national demand for agriculture teachers, as Teach Ag Champions. Teach Ag Champions are selected based upon their exceptional work in identifying the needs of their states and implementing effective strategies to recruit and retain high quality and diverse agriculture teachers. This year, Dr. Jeremy Falk, Associate Professor for Agriculture and Extension Education at the University of Idaho, was named one of the two 2017 National Teach Ag Champions recipients.       Dr. Jeremy Falk was selected as a Teach Ag Champion for his work at both the state and national levels to address the demand for agriculture teachers. He developed an agricult...

Words from the Wise

Katie Mosman, Ag Instructor at Grangeville High School, shares how agricultural education creates lifelong memories for students      When I introduce SAE projects to my students, they begin by answering a series of questions about what they want their future to look like—is money the driving force behind their work? Is it just a means to end so they can live where they want? Or do they want to be passionate about their daily work?   For me, this activity serves as an annual reminder of why I do what I do. All teachers have those days—sometimes weeks—where we question how sane we were the day we chose our career. Perhaps we even long for the greener pastures of the industry workplace; forever free of the growing stack of papers to grade, IEP meetings, and parent-teacher conferences. But when I look over that SAE worksheet and reflect on my own answers, I know I’m in the place I am supposed to be.      Because you have to admit,...

Student Spotlight


Summer Internships

Just because class is out doesn't mean AEE student's don't continue to learn. Check out four examples of internships our students experienced. Molly Sparrow Class Standing:  Junior  Major:  Agricultural Education Position:  Latah County Extension Intern 
 I was attracted to this position because it creates a great avenue to network with the local 4-H and FFA students in the area. I enjoy working with kids of all ages and experiencing the diversity of extension education as well as agricultural education. I taught a safe sitter class, instructed at horse camp, and prepared many things for the Latah County Fair.  I never did the same thing twice and I got to get out and be involved with the community. The most important concept I walked away with was that every student matters. Whether they are showing their cat, steer, working on rockets or just attending a safe sitter class. Everyone is an individual and brings something new...