Teach Ag Champion


by Ellen Thompson
Project Director, National Teach Ag Campaign 

      CHICAGO – Each year, the National Teach Ag Campaign formally recognizes individuals and organizations who work tirelessly to address the national demand for agriculture teachers, as Teach Ag Champions. Teach Ag Champions are selected based upon their exceptional work in identifying the needs of their states and implementing effective strategies to recruit and retain high quality and diverse agriculture teachers. This year, Dr. Jeremy Falk, Associate Professor for Agriculture and Extension Education at the University of Idaho, was named one of the two 2017 National Teach Ag Champions recipients.
      Dr. Jeremy Falk was selected as a Teach Ag Champion for his work at both the state and national levels to address the demand for agriculture teachers. He developed an agriculture teacher trading card activity that is currently being used across the country to help recruit and retain agriculture teachers, while allowing agriculture teachers to tell their Teach Ag story to students and others through their cards. Dr. Falk started and coordinates the Region I National Associaiton of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) Preservice Agriculture Teacher Track and serves as a valuable asset of the National Teach Ag Campaign Advisory Board for his forward thinking and innovative ideas.
      As a former agriculture teacher, Dr. Falk understands the importance of cultivating the next generation of leaders, problem solvers, entrepreneurs and agriculturalists that begins with developing high quality and diverse agriculture teachers. Dr. Falk taught high school agriculture for four years at Federal Hocking High School in southeastern Ohio before completing his Ph.D. at the Ohio State University. He is now an associate professor in agricultural and extension education at the University of Idaho, where he is helping to train the next generation of agriculture teachers.
      Dr. Falk will be recognized for his outstanding accomplishments at the National Teach Ag Day live celebration that will be held Thursday, September 21st, at the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences, in Chicago, Ill. It is thanks to individuals like Dr. Falk that make the valuable work of the National Teach Ag Campaign possible.


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