Teach Ag. Field Trip!

Teach Ag. High School Tours!!!
By: Anna Pratt & David Stitt

The Collegiate FFA Professional Development Committee is now accepting applications for two of the three separate tours of Agricultural Education Programs in our region. These tours are designed as an opportunity see how Agriculture Education programs are taught throughout Washington and Idaho.  

Trip 1: Eastern/Central WA Tour Thursday, March 12 – Friday, March 13
(Applications due Tuesday, February 24 at NOON.)
Trip 2: The Coastal Tour Wednesday, April 22 – Friday, April 24
(Applications due Tuesday, March 31 at NOON.)
Trip 3: Joint State OR/WA Tour Thursday, April 30 – Friday, May 1
(Applications due Tuesday, April 14 at NOON.)

All dues-paid members of CFFA are encouraged to apply. We hope to accommodate each student who applies, however, the Professional Development Committee will be economical and will try to maximize participants for hotel rooms and vehicle resources.

Questions, concerns, and comments are welcome!

 For the application to apply, please contact:
David Stitt

We look forward to working with you all!


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