UI Student Heads Back to Iowa!

University of Idaho Student Heads Back to Iowa By: Sam Hoffman It was mid-June and the registration for the New Century Farmer Alumni Conference application came out. I was adamant with my father about going back. In 2014, I learned farm progression strategies, markets, soybeans, and corn! Having gone to the conference in 2014, made me appreciate growing up on a farm and being a fourth generation agriculturist. When applying, I can remember being so excited. I filled out the application on my phone! Not long after, I got the email that informed me I was going back to Iowa. Although, after the initial excitement wore off, I started to second guess myself. Taking the time off work, and leaving my father to prepare for harvest alone was not ideal. Yet, as I prepared for my flight, I had doubts as to whether I should actually be going . . . However, those doubts quickly disappeared, after a few minutes of sitting in the D...