UI Student Heads Back to Iowa!

University of Idaho Student Heads Back to Iowa 
By: Sam Hoffman

It was mid-June and the registration for the New Century Farmer Alumni Conference application came out. I was adamant with my father about going back. In 2014, I learned farm progression strategies, markets, soybeans, and corn! 
Having gone to the conference in 2014, made me appreciate growing up on a farm and being a fourth generation agriculturist. 

When applying, I can remember being so excited. I filled out the application on my phone! Not long after, I got the email that informed me I was going back to Iowa. Although, after the initial excitement wore off, I started to second guess myself. Taking the time off work, and leaving my father to prepare for harvest alone was not ideal. Yet, as I prepared for my flight, I had doubts as to whether I should actually be going . . .

However, those doubts quickly disappeared, after a few minutes of sitting in the DuPont Pioneer center with my fellow alumni. The most progressive young farmers of our generation, were all sitting in a room talking about their passion, agriculture! Through New Century Farmer, I have met numerous individuals from all walks of life. Many of them being the most kind people, I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. These producers come from different states and operations to be represented at a conference. Where they know, their voices, ideas, and beliefs will not only be heard but most importantly understood. As an agricultural education major, I want to be able learn and advocate for agriculture, and this conference gives us all a great place to start.

During this years conference we listened to keynote speakers and participated in industry tours. These opportunities provided us with the newest technologies on the market. While teaching us how to implement and utilize these innovations to the best of our ability. This conference further engrained my passion for the future of agriculture. 

 I would continually recommend the New Century Farmer Conference to anybody interested in a career in production agriculture. One piece of advice, that I learned, came from Dr. Hansen from the University of Nebraska. He said “A goal without a deadline is nothing more than a dream.” This has changed my perspective on goals and how I will now plan them for myself and our family farm. I look forward to going back for the alumni conference for many years to come. I even look forward applying to become a facilitator, if the opportunity arises.


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