University of Idaho Goes to Iowa

New Century Farmer 2015

This past week three young ladies from our department had the opportunity to attend the 2015 New Century Farmer program. This years week long conference took place in Des Moines, Iowa. Where 50 of the brightest raising stars in production agriculture, came together to partake in a once and lifetime educational opportunity. Over the course, of the week they were engaged by speakers from every part of the industry, as well as, being from all over the country. 

In addition, to hearing speeches on the issues facing the industry, they were able to tour industry facilities that are helping american famers combat many of the issues they face today. At DuPont Pioneer, participants were shown the progression of corn, and the various research projects underway in developing drought, pest, and fungal resistant corn. At Case IH, the class was shown the advancements being made in precision agriculture, and how soil compaction can effort the wear of equipment, and growth of seeds. During the JBS Pork processing tour, the participants were shown the breakdown of product from start to finish, in complete transparency. While at the World Food Prize, the class was able to learn about agricultures leading scientists and how they are changing, feeding, and reshaping the world one innovation at a time. 

At the end of the week, after the speeches were given and the tours had concluded. Participants were asked to create a mission, to take back to their operation, that would help shape the next few years of their business. These personal missions were presented to the participants, in addition, to their certificates of achievement. This presentation, served as a reminder to each class member that SMART goals, a solid business plan, and determination can make a difference in being successful in this industry we call agriculture. And, that the experience that was had at this years conference, will last a lifetime and shape the decisions we all make in the future. 

Overall, the program was a success for our three students who were in attendance. Each young, lady shares a short exert about their personal experience.  

Kellsie Hodges
“The past week’s experience gave me new insight on practical tools and information that I want to implement on my future farming operation. The speakers were engaging as well as honest with their advice and encouragement. In addition, to the education, meeting forty-nine other participants from around the country was enlightening. With agriculture varying from state to state, and it was wonderful to learn about the types of processes implemented across the country. I am very thankful and grateful that I was given this opportunity. I highly recommend that anyone interested in production agriculture apply in the future.”

Tanner White
“The New Century Farmer program was an unforgettable experience. The caliber of the other participants, and the size and scope of their operations were humbling. Each and every one of them was passionate about the food, and fiber they produce for American and foreign consumers. Being able to meet these individuals was by far the best take way of the conference. I will be forever humbled to serve, and produce along side this net generation of American farmers.”

Olivia Zurcher

“Throughout this past week, I learned more than I would ever thought I would at New Century Farmer. From the industry tours to the multiple speakers, which covered different aspects of production Agriculture. This experience, has prepared me to take back new ideas to my family’s dairy farm, and make it more successful. My favorite part of the conference was the JBS Pork processing plant. It was amazing to see how many pork products are produced and shipped out to countries all over the world. New Century Farmer is an experience that I will never forget. I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel to Iowa and learn valuable information to take back to my family’s dairy farm!”

For more information on the New Century Farmer conference, please feel free to contact any of this years participants. They would be glad to share more about their experience. Or if you would like information on how to apply for next years conference. Visit the National FFA website, and simply search New Century Farmer. 


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