UI Students Head to D.C.

    UI Agricultural Education Students Promote “Teach Ag” in Washington D.C.
By: Cody Beus

University of Idaho senior students Ty Gramley and Cody Beus both Agricultural Education majors joined twenty other future agriscience teachers in Washington, D.C. as a part of the 2015 National Teach Ag Day celebration.  The future agriscience teachers were from universities across the country and were selected from a pool of nationwide candidates to participate in the Future Agriscience Teacher symposium.

The event consisted of 14 hours of professional development training, including instruction on inquiry-based teaching methods by DuPont National Agriscience Teacher Ambassadors, classroom management, and developing engaging lessons.  In addition to professional development, attendees met with U.S. Department of Education officials, toured Washington, D.C. landmarks, and were featured during the National Teach Ag Day live broadcast from the American Farm Bureau office.  “We were able to network with incredible people and receive excellent training in an amazing place” said Cody Beus. The recorded broadcast can be seen at http://www.naae.org/teachag/webcast/index.cfm.

Adapted from new release of Ellen Thompson Director of Teach Ag Campaign.


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