What Are You Thankful For?

by Maggie Elliot
It’s about that time of year when we find ourselves waking up to mornings with a layer of frost dusting the rolling hills of the Palouse, when warm socks become our most valuable assets, and when visions of glorious spreads of home-cooked meals swim tantalizingly in the distance. Plus, there’s even some snow in the forecast.
It’s about time for Thanksgiving!
Members of Collegiate FFA celebrated the achievements of the past year, commemorated the seniors, and installed new officers at the Fall Feast, a Thanksgiving themed potluck dinner. Members were encouraged to write what they were thankful for on paper leaves, serving as decorations for the banquet.
Many students noted the importance of family and friends. “I’m so thankful to my family for supporting me, even if they are a state away,” mentioned one student. Calls from home, reassuring text messages, and care packages are ways students appreciate family members effort to keep in touch over distances, and serve as a wonderful way to brighten a person's day.
Others wrote about the AEE Department. “I’m thankful for my AEE family.” With staff who are sincerely concerned with the success of every student, invested in the personal and professional welfare of members, always able to listen and give guidance, an uniquely welcoming atmosphere is fostered. “If I ever have a problem, I am never afraid to confront my advisor.”  
And, of course, coffee. Students expressed gratitude for the small things helping to keep them motivated, whether it be a favorite beverage from Dutch Brothers, a meal at local Mexican restaurant La Casa Lopez, or a warm bagel from Einstein’s. “Any essay is immensely more doable when I have a cup of coffee at my fingertips.”
As a college student, it can be easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life, rushing to fulfill a never ending “To-Do” list, preparing for upcoming tests and assignment deadlines, or stewing over next months rent and bills. It’s a refreshing experience to take a step back, share a meal with friends, and realize just how fortunate you are.  

We wish the seniors the best of luck as they continue to pursue their careers!


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