Faculty Search: Kasee Smith

By Maggie Elliot

Kasee Smith

Monday, March 7th, students will have the opportunity to meet Kasee Smith, the next candidate for a professorial postion within the AEE Department. At 11:00 AM in the Ag Ed classroom, Mrs. Smith will give a brief word on her "Philosophy of Teaching" and answer any questions from students.

Kasee Smith was raised on a cattle operation in Central Utah. She served as a Utah FFA State Officer after completing high school, and obtained her degree in Agricultural Education from Utah State University. She worked as a high school agriculture instructor for ten years before moving on to complete her Masters at Utah State University, and will graduate with her Ph.D in Agricultural Education in May from Texas A&M University. 

Join us for a pizza luncheon to meet Mrs. Smith, have the chance to ask questions, and learn more about her vision for our department!


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