Teach Ag Day

     Thursday the CALS Department of Agricultural and Extension Education will lead sessions connected to the National Teach Ag Day planned online to cultivate enthusiasm among agricultural education students and teachers.

     The celebration and hosted sessions will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the agricultural education classroom on campus, beginning with a session offering information about becoming an ag teacher.

     A pizza party is planned from 11 to noon in coordination with a national webcast.

     CALS ag ed professors Jeremy Falk and Kasee Smith will coordinate an online Teach Ag Symposium (#TeachAgAfterParty) hosted by the University of Idaho. It will feature sessions about using social media by Tennessee Tech University professor O.P. McCubbins, Google Tools by UI ag ed student Max Blitman and finding balance by professors Becki Lawver and Tyson Sorensen of Utah State University.


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