Why Join a Club?

by Maggie Elliot

CFFA's Executive Team bowling 

In September, students at the CALS Welcome Back picnic pointed to clubs as a key element of their college experience. The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences offers a diverse array of organizations to be involved in.

Students can compete in debates focused on agricultural topics, fit and show cattle, learn and educate others about nutrition, or explore different aspects of the dairy industry by participating in tours.

Professional growth isn’t the only element clubs offer, as the community atmosphere is key.

“I know people now. I can say ‘hi’ walking around campus or chat with someone before class starts,” said Megan Follett, a freshman studying food science. “It’s only been a month but already I’ve met so many people.”

McKenna Ellinghaus looks for an opportunity at professional development. An agricultural education major, she strives to gain skills and enhance her networking abilities by attending conferences and statewide FFA events.

 “The Teach Ag Championship Collegiate FFA is running will help me develop skills I can use as an Ag teacher I won’t learn in classroom curriculum here.” Clubs are an opportunity to assume leadership roles and build a competent resume.

Pre-Vet major Sabrina Little enjoys the diversity of disciplines studied by the Plant and Soil Science Club members. “I get to see people I don’t have in classes, and they make the meetings something to look forward to. ” Little said.

Willow Ellsom, a history major, appreciates the chance to learn something new every week. “We highlight a different plant each meeting and learn how to take care of it, and we also propagate and grow hundreds of plants to sell.” Ellsm said.

Student organizations allow individuals to build a different skill set and network with both faculty and fellow students. 

Senior Olivia Zurcher pointed out how being active in clubs has helped her throughout her college career. “Clubs keep you engaged and focused,” she said. “You are surrounded by people just as passionate about your major as you are, and it inspires you to keep working hard.”

Check out all the clubs CALS has to offer at:



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