Career Insight: National FFA

Education specialist and vandal alumni Casey Zufelt describes the 
career opportunities available through the National FFA

"Everything speaks. Everything, always.”
I first heard this saying during my first National FFA leadership conference training. Our trainer was instilling in us that every word we speak, every action we took, every song we played set a learning environment that we could control for our students. Our job was it to make it matter. Always.
This idea has stuck with me, and is one I try to live myself – and pass on to those I train. My role at National FFA is to ensure that the over 8,500 members and 16 facilitators involved in 212°/360° conferences, 50 participants and 5 staff a part of New Century Farmer and over 12,000 attendees of student leadership workshops at the National FFA Convention & Expo get the best experience possible. It’s such an incredibly fulfilling feeling know that the work we do every day in the office plays a direct part in the positive growth of humans we serve. 
Working at the National FFA Organization, our over 150 employees have such a unique opportunity to impact our 649,355 student members, 225,891 alumni members and advisors of our 7,859 local FFA chapters. We’re fortunate to have excellent people working on our programs to serve members. Interested in logistics of programs? Become a program or event manager. Find it fulfilling to develop educational content? You could be an education specialist for leadership programs or senior educational consultant developing educational resources for teachers. Marketing? Develop press releases or design ads. IT work? Be a website developer. There’s no limit to what cool jobs exist in agricultural education! 
Influencing others in meaningful ways is my passion. What’s yours? Chase that dream. Even better if it’s in agricultural education. :) 

2016 New Century Farmers meet alumni


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