Student Teacher Update

Daniel Heikkila

Location: American Falls, Idaho
Favorite Class: Welding

What are you looking forward to?

 I’m excited to see how students perform in upcoming district and state competitions. Curious to see how much more growth students will continue have within the classroom. Look forward to becoming more involved within the community and hopefully secure a job prior to graduation.

Olivia Zurcher

Location: Ellensburg, Washington
Favorite Class: Freshman Ag Biology

What’s your favorite part of student teaching?

My favorite part of student teaching is getting to know my students. Each of them come from different backgrounds and are interested in so many different things. It is fun to recognize what their likes and dislikes are and use that when teaching them material in class.

Samantha Jo Sims

Location: Tonasket, Washington
Favorite Class: Freshman Ag Science

What has been the highlight of your student teaching experience?

So far the highlight of student teaching has really just been being able to interact with and getting to know the students. There are a lot of good students here at my cooperating site. Its a great experience to finally be "the teacher", students ask to questions, and you get to provide them with the knowledge and learning they need!

Max Blitman

Location: Meridian, Idaho
Favorite Class: Welding

Why is this your favorite class?

Welding 2 is my favorite class because I have the opportunity to work one on one with students to help them better understand welding.


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