National FFA Convention Tips

By Ben Meyer, National FFA's Local Program Successs Team Specialist for the western region

With the 90th National FFA Convention and Expo right around the corner, here are a few tips for a great week in the Circle City of Indianapolis!

Recommendations for ag educators:
1.       Be sure to complete the online registration process found at before arriving in Indianapolis.  After receiving the registration confirmation email, then be sure to link student names to each registration purchased.  Doing this online before arriving in Indianapolis will save at least 45 minutes of waiting in registration lines.
2.       If a chapter is bringing a competitive team/individual for CDE/LDE participation, be sure to download and print the “2017 Event Information” letter found on the homepage of each CDE/LDE.  The most current information about each event is in this PDF.
3.       Double check hotel reservations.  Chapters should call their hotel and ensure that their planned stay matches what the hotel has on file.  
Recommendations for students
1.       Think about safety.  Do not leave valuables (or anything that may look valuable) in your chapter’s rental car or van.  Be respectful and open minded about being in a new city.  There is much to see and do that looks different from home.  Some things may be unfamiliar and maybe even a bit confusing. Approach these things with an open mind to see what can be learned.
2.       Check out the We Are FFA booth in the FFA Expo.  Participate in the “this is me” experience to share what makes each student unique in the FFA and what motivates each student to be involved in the FFA.
3.       Participate in the AgExplorer scavenger hunt and innovation station.  New this year, numerous companies are sharing a first look at their brand new technology.  Get a first-hand look at the future of agricultures before its even available on the commercial market.


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