Oregon Program Tour

by Molly Sparrow

The agricultural education program has had a great month, but one event has really stood out. Oct. 12-14 the department took five students, Dino Vinci, Molly Sparrow, Chelsey Sharp, Samantha Gunderson and Michael Cook on a three day adventure to visit agricultural education programs across the state of Oregon. The group was chaperoned by Associate Professor Jeremy Falk who helped to facilitate and select programs to visit. The group of six visited the Enterprise, Imbler and Hermiston ag education programs. Each of these programs provided unique opportunities and learning opportunities for these future ag educators. 

Finally, to end the trip the group attended the Oregon Agricultural Teacher’s Association technical training. The students attended three different workshops that helped to prepare them to be educators such as agriscience prep, secondary literacy and using technology in the classroom. It was a great trip for everyone involved.


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