Words From the Wise

J.R Morrow
Genesee High School
One of the highlights of an Ag Teacher is watching the
freshman as they file into your class the first week of school. As I start to
work with these “newbie’s” I am doing more than just teaching them. I am instantly in recruitment mode trying to
see what part of FFA would this freshman like and what part of FFA would that
freshman like….etc. As these students progress through your program there is no
better feeling than seeing a meek freshman turn into a chapter officer by the
time they are senior.
There are so many
facets to FFA and if you try to include all of them at once you will burn out
in a hurry. Picking one or two a year to incorporate or to concentrate on has
really helped me stay focused. I have
found that making good community contacts early in my career really helped me succeed
and keep my sanity when things weren’t going in the direction I planned. Our
program includes classes in fabrication, greenhouse, carpentry, CnC,
leadership, small engines and an aquaculture lab.
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