Czech Republic Study Abroad Opportunity

The University of Idaho offers multiple opportunities for students to study and travel abroad throughout their college career, one of these opportunities is the Czech Republic trip. This travel abroad program took place from May 19th through May 30th of 2018. Four undergraduates and one faculty member from the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education attended the program; Bishal Thapa, Maggie Elliot, Annie Bass, Bethany Newtson and Dr. Jeremy Falk. 
The activity log for the trip was very diverse and offered a unique look into the agriculture industry within the Czech Republic. Throughout the trip, students were able to reflect and make connections with fellow undergraduates from Kansas State University. The first day allowed for interactions with the USDA FSA office and representatives from the Czech Agrarian Chamber. Both committees offered an insight into US policy and Agriculture within that area. Students were also provided the opportunity to tour the largest medieval castle in Europe: Prague Castle. Continuing into the trip students were given an inside look at the agriculture in that region. Tours took place at Czech’s largest private vegetable and potato farm and at a cooperative with around 7,000 acres of land used for crop production and animal agriculture. Students were able to interact with undergraduates from Brno Mendel Ag University, which is the oldest independent specialized university in the Czech Republic. The program offered students several more opportunities to learn about foreign agriculture through visiting other farms and ranches across the region that focused on a multitude of different crop productions, as well as animal agriculture. 

Bethany Newston, an undergraduate studying Agricultural Education, was asked what she most enjoyed about her time in Czech Republic, “The most unique aspect was their history and the effect of communism. Experiencing a new culture, getting out of your comfort zone, and meeting new people is so important to furthering yourself as an individual”. This study abroad trip was able to offer students a new look into agriculture, and on a broader spectrum, into foreign culture. Through visiting popular landmarks with brilliant architecture to visiting large farming and ranching operations, students gained a well-rounded education about foreign policy and agriculture and more specifically Czech Republic.


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