This semester, Collegiate FFA has been busy planning and executing  activities which help its members grow their professional development skills and provides them with community service opportunities. Here are a few of the highlights from the semester:  
Ag Days
Each year, UI CALS hosts its annual Ag Days event and each year, CFFA plays an integral role in its success. The livestock judging event, which brings in around 200 participants from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, is hosted and ran by the CFFA organization. Members arrive hours ahead of line up to prepare the event and then stay until the end serving as group leaders, station monitors, and timers. Additionally, two AEE students , TyAnn Tellefson and Liz Wilder, presented a workshop ,“AgVocate”, to Ag Days participants interested in the agriculture communications field.

National Teach Ag Day
To celebrate the past, present, and future agriculture educators a group of students passionate about teaching agriculture came together on September 20, 2018 to celebrate National Teach Ag Day. AEE hosted an afterparty event that shared with student’s fun ways to implement Virtual Reality into the classroom. In addition to the 16 attendees from the University of Idaho, students from Oregon State university, Penn State University, and Kansas State University joined the fun via a conference calls.

National FFA Convention
In edition to assisting with Idaho FFA events, CFFA also plays an important role at the National FFA Convention, helping run various contests and events. This year, 7 students and 4 faculty members travelled back to Indianapolis to help run the Parliamentary Procedure contest and more. This is a unique and phenomenal opportunity for students to gain valuable leadership skills and see the behind the scenes of a national contest.


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