ASCL Student Spotlight: Julia Villagomez


Julia Villagomez is a senior studying ASCL with a rich background in agriculture. Growing up on a small family ranch in Wendell with about 200 head of dairy calves and cattle, she’s had many experiences that explain her responsibility, independence, and determined work ethic. Among the most memorable include doing chores with her siblings, bottle feeding calves, going to the sale with her dad, and moving pipes in the alfalfa field. Villagomez has a lot of pride in her family ranch because it helped her grow and makes an income for her family. 

Villagomez changed her major to ASCL in her sophomore year when her friend and mentor, Brenda Vega, introduced her to the program. She explained how she felt that there was more she could do with her life and passions with the degree. “After learning more about what ASCL was and what I could do with it, I decided that this major could help me grow and be able to give back to the community,” she stated. Villagomez has always enjoyed working with youth, and wants a future career in youth development. She says, “I really enjoy the leadership aspect of this major because it’s allowed me to see my potential.” 

Among the accomplishments Villagomez has had during her collegiate years, she is most proud of serving as a summer intern for the Ada County Extension Office. During the internship, she worked with youth in a summer reading program by creating STEM lesson plans. This was a rewarding opportunity because she got to see the youth engaged in many different activities. Another part of her internship was working with the Boise Mobile Farmers Market, which visits different areas in the Treasure Valley area to provide fresh produce to low-income families. “One of my favorite memories about the mobile market was the last stop; I got to meet really great individuals as well as learn more about how to prepare the different produce we provided,” Villagomez said. 

Villagomez has recently started as a 4-H Military Partnership Assistant. In this role, she provides diverse resources and programs to military youth and families throughout Idaho. She will also be learning to write reports with data collected at different 4-H and 4-H partnership programs and events. Villagomez hopes to continue working with Idaho 4-H Outreach to Military Kids Program after graduation. She really values being able to work with youth all over Idaho and gain new perspectives while working with families in the military. She mentions that the career is everything she’s been wanting to do for the past three years and more, and states, “I know this career is for me and I’m really excited to see where I can go with it as well as continue to learn new skills while in this position.” Villagomez would eventually like to complete a masters degree and is open to an array of different opportunities.

One of the biggest lessons that Villagomez has learned in college is to do what makes you happy. She advises, “to live life to one’s full potential while on this journey in our lives, take any and all opportunities that land on your plate.” Villagomez believes that through experiences, you learn a lot about yourself and what you want in life. Additionally, she learned that she can use her voice to speak up for those who aren't comfortable and to speak out for those who can’t. Villagomez was a part of the CAMP Program and states, “If it wasn't for this program and other programs I’ve been involved with, my passion to educate youth wouldn’t have been as strong as it is today.” She is also a member of the Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. and values the meaningful memories. “The sorority has helped me grow personally and professionally, and has connected me with some of the greatest sisters,” she says. Villagomez attributes the support through these experiences and her mother to her success and drive.

Written by Lynnsey Tracy

Spring 2021


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