Q&A with the Idaho FFA State Convention Directors

Each year AEE, in collaboration with the Idaho FFA Association, provides internship experiences to over 20 students through the AGED 350- Leadership and Event Coordination course. In this course, students are responsible for planning and executing the Idaho FFA State Convention. Three student directors are hired each year to assist with the supervision and leadership of their assigned team and in teaching the associated course. We asked the student directors to tell us more about their experience this year hosting a virtual convention.

Please describe your position and role in the class/convention: 

“In my position as public relations director, I oversee the positions of Communications, Workshops, Industry Relations, and the Delegate process. Our big role as the public relations team is to communicate with the outside sources, and our alumni.” - Hannah Hale, Public Relations

“My role is to work with the interns assigned to CDE’s and Stars and Proficiencies and assist them, the CDE and LDE superintendents, and Clara-Leigh, the Idaho FFA Association Executive Director, in whatever tasks I can to have successful Career and Leadership Development events. This includes a lot of emails and communications between different people to get what we need where we need it! I also have a few CDE’s that I am assigned to help with, and I work with these superintendents to help wherever I can.” - Bethany Newston, Awards and Events

"This year I took on the role of Session’s Director. This role required me to plan and execute virtual sessions with a team of six other college interns." - Emma Christensen, Awards and Events

What has been the most rewarding part of serving as a director? 

“I think the most rewarding part has been seeing my team grow in their positions as well as the hard work we have all put in to make this the best virtual experience possible for the FFA members.” - Hannah Hale, Public Relations

“Getting to work with phenomenal people.” - Bethany Newston, Awards and Events

"The most rewarding part of serving as a director is being a part of something larger than myself. It has been such an amazing experience to serve Idaho FFA in this way and to create a meaningful product for hundreds of students to see." - Emma Christensen, Awards and Events

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced while serving as a director?

“I think the biggest challenge I have faced is coming out of my comfort zone to lead my team and the class to success. I feel that this position is a great opportunity for students to learn how to be in a professional setting with their peers leading to an end goal.” - Hannah Hale, Public Relations

“Learning how I fit within an organization I haven’t been a part of! It’s been a humbling and growing experience to learn about Idaho FFA. I was very nervous to take on this position back in October, but now I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to grow in an area I was really inexperienced and unconfident in.” - Bethany Newston, Awards and Events

"The most challenging thing I faced this year was finding a way to create a memorable experience for members in a virtual format." - Emma Christensen, Awards and Events

How do you feel that you’ve benefited from the experience? 

“I have benefitted in many ways. I think the biggest being bettering my leadership and event planning skills. In my position as a director I have been taken out of my comfort zone a little and been able to learn new things involving how to lead a team and being on an event planning team.” - Hannah Hale, Public Relations

“I’ve grown so much. I’ve been forced out of my shell for sure! Working in such an intricate web of people (from advisors to the FFA association to college students to professionals and professors, and much more!) has been a learning experience, but because I’ve had to learn how to navigate it, I have a greater appreciation for these student organizations and the volunteers who work within them!” - Bethany Newston, Awards and Events

This experience was extremely beneficial to my personal growth. Managing any team or putting on an event as large as State Convention requires everyone to be committed to the goal as well as committed to one another on the team. Moving to a virtual setting brings on a whole new set of challenges to overcome that rely heavily on strong communication and the adaptability of all team members. I built solid bonds with my teammates through this experience and learned the importance of strong and open communication.” - Emma Christensen, Awards and Events

How do you see other students benefiting from the class and experience? 

“I think the biggest benefits for students in the class are broadening their knowledge of event planning and what happens behind the scenes, leadership abilities because they all have a small part that they take on by themselves with direction and help from other class members, and professional experience. Professional experience is a big one because it is a great way to learn how to handle yourself professionally as well as interacting with industry professionals.” - Hannah Hale, Public Relations

“I think that learning to work within teams like this is exceptionally beneficial. This is one of those experiences that helps prepare you for working within teams in your future career, community, and any other groups you may be in. Our class is made up of students who are in a variety of majors, but have past ties and future interests in working with agriculture and student organizations. Working with Idaho FFA is a great experience to both continue involvement and practice team communication and collaboration.” - Bethany Newston, Awards and Events

"This class provides an amazing opportunity for students to see what goes in to putting on an even as impactful as State Convention. It is a great way for students to connect with Ag teachers, industry people and their peers while serving Idaho FFA." - Emma Christensen, Awards and Events


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