Agricultural Education Alumnus Spotlight: Sam Hoffman

Growing up on a 2500 acre row crop farm nestled in the Palouse, started Sam Hoffman’s passion
for agriculture. Starting in junior high school, Sam knew that he wanted to be an Ag teacher.

Hoffman is now halfway through his 6th year of being a high school Ag teacher in the Troy school district.

Hoffman is an alumnus of the University of Idaho and majored in Agriculture Education. Starting at a young age, Hoffman has always had a passion for the FFA organization, and that is what keeps his passion for teaching alive. Hoffman’s favorite thing about being an Ag teacher is “helping students find their passion in the organization.”

Being an Ag teacher has brought incredible opportunities to Hoffman. This past year, he had the opportunity to work with our department’s own Dr. Wolf. He agreed to this research project to help prepare pre-service teachers. This allowed Sam to see ways he can improve being an Ag teacher through Dr. Wolf’s advice, by comparing notes and finding ways to focus more in-depth on curriculum and SAE projects for his classes. 

Hoffman has had amazing experiences and memories during his time at the University of Idaho. One of his favorite memories was graduation. “I had just started dating my wife and she came to the commencement. We took a picture together afterwards, and that picture is still the lock screen on my phone. It was a great day spent with friends and I was so excited to start a new chapter in my life.” 

The most rewarding thing about being an Ag teacher in Hoffman’s eyes is “watching your students reach their full potential. I love being able to motivate students and watch them succeed. It could be in FFA or in the classroom. I will never get tired of that feeling. It makes the long days worth it.”

One of Hoffman’s proudest moments of being an Ag teacher is having his past student, Katy Doumit being the first student from Troy running to become a National FFA Officer. “The school and the chapter are so proud of her regardless of if she receives an office or not.” 

Hoffman is a proud alumnus of the University of Idaho, and he advises current students to network, make friends, and get involved in professional organizations; “I met some of the best mentors when I was working on my undergrad rather than when I started teaching.”


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