Congratulations Graduates

Corrin Norquist, Megan O' Niell, Jay Sutton, Haylee Palmer

By: Tanner White 

On December 13th, 2014 we said good luck to four of our Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership majors. These fine individuals are about to embark on a great journey as they begin their careers. Corrin Norquist has decided to return home, before she selects the dairy of her choice. Megan O'Niell is returning to her native state of California to work for a non-profit organization, before returning to school to complete her Master's Degree. Jay Sutton has accepted a job with Simplot in Wilder, Idaho and will begin working towards becoming a Crop Advisor. And Haylee Palmer just accepted and offer to work in Spokane, Washington for Northwest Farm Credit Services. Congratulations once again graduates. We wish you the very best of luck in life!


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