College of Agricultural and Life Science's Awards Banquet

CALS Banquet Awards
By: Dr. Jim Connors

The annual College of Agricultural and Life Science’s Awards Banquet was held last night.  Once again, the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education faculty, students, and alumni were recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and service to the agricultural profession. 

The Department award nominees and winners are as follows:

Distinguished Alumni Award: Kevin Barker (B.S. 94, M.S. 01)
Distinguished Retiree Award: Dr. Maurice Johnson, Professor Emeritus (B.S. 57)
R.M. Wade Excellence in Teaching Award: Dr. Jeremy Falk-Nominee
NACTA Teaching Award of Merit: Dr. Jeremy Falk-Winner
Outstanding Academic Advisor: Dr. Kattlyn Wolf-Nominee
Gamma Sigma Delta Honorary: Jemma Morrow
CALS Outstanding Freshman: Margaret Elliot-Winner
CALS Outstanding Sophomore: Olivia Zurcher-Nominee
CALS Outstanding Junior: Samuel Hoffman-Nominee
CALS Outstanding Senior: Seth Pratt-Winner
CALS Club Member of the Year: Trevor Kauer
CALS Club of the Year: Collegiate FFA Chapter-Dr. Falk, Advisor

CALS Ambassadors
Carly Gerwig – Retiring
Ty Gramley – Retiring
Samual Hoffman – Retiring
Samantha Roberts - Retiring
Michelle Ball – Retiring
Lisa Avila – Returning
Trevor Kauer – Returning
Olivia Zurcher – Returning
Michael Heitstuman – Returning
RyAnna Carter – New
Maggie Elliot – New
Morgan Howard - New
Erin Peek – New

I want to congratulate all of the nominees and award winners.  I am once again proud of all the work our faculty, staff, students, and alumni put into their careers.  Thanks to the dedication and commitment of individuals like these, I believe agricultural education and the entire agricultural industry has a bright future in store.


Dr. Jim Connors


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