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Dr. Kattlyn Wolf receives Honorary American FFA Degree

According to the National FFA Association, "Individuals who have provided exceptional service on a national level to agriculture, agricultural education, or FFA are eligible for the Honorary American FFA Degree. Additionally, teachers who have created high-quality agricultural education programs which inspire and motivate their students to strive for success are eligible". The award is among the highest of honors within the FFA organization. 

Congratulations to Dr. Wolf!
She was recognized with an Honorary American FFA Degree today at the 91st FFA convention.
#uicals #uidaho
University of Idaho Agricultural Education and Extension faculty member, Dr. Kattlyn Wolf received the Honorary American FFA Degree during the 91st National FFA Convention. When asked about her history in FFA Dr. Kattlyn Wolf responded with “This is the fun one!!  I was a relatively “late bloomer” in FFA. I completed in multiple CDE’s- but never really was a stand-out member or student.  I served as a chapter officer my senior year, and competed at the State level in Extemp speaking.  I placed second and fully expected to be done with FFA.  THEN- the first place speaker couldn’t go to convention, so I was afforded the opportunity to compete in Extemp with one month’s notice.  I rode to Kansas City with the Parli team in the back of a suburban.  Attendance at my FIRST National FFA Convention- as a FRESHMAN in college was a transformational experience for me.  I still remember parts of the National Secretary’s retiring address.  I was just amazed (and a little annoyed that I missed out on so much).  I decided to run for state ffa office in Wyoming and was elected!  That really started the ball rolling-  I served my year as a State Officer, then returned to be a counselor at Wyoming FFA camp for the rest of my college career.  I added Ag Ed to my Animal Science major and ended up teaching in my hometown”. Dr. Wolf has helped coordinate the Prepared Public Speaking national event for the past 6 years. She has judged a variety of CDE’s at the national level and served on the National FFA Constitution and Bylaws Taskforce this past summer. Dr. Kattlyn Wolf’s participation in the FFA shows her dedication and love for this organization making her an excellent recipient of the Honorary American FFA Degree.


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