Words From the Wise

Mountain Home High School Ag instructor, Kya Vines, shares the unique experiences that led her to pursue a career in agriculture education and why she loves this profession. 

I am a proud alumnus of Mountain Home High School (MHHS) where I have returned to start an Agriculture Science program. In the fall of 2017, I taught the first agriculture class for MHHS. I teach Personal Skills Development, Introduction to Livestock Industry, Agriculture Mechanics, Zoology Fish and Wildlife, Agriculture Welding, Advanced Agriculture Welding, and Agriculture Fabrication.
I am very proud to teach agriculture and be an FFA advisor. Though I did not go through an agriculture program in high school myself, I found I was destined to be an agriculture teacher. It wasn’t until I toured the University of Idaho my senior year did I know that being an agriculture teacher was even a career! This job takes dedication and perseverance but is the most rewarding project I have ever been a part of. I get to be a teacher, leader, advisor, counselor and mentor to my students. I like the many hats I get to wear as an agriculture teacher and the relationships built with my students.
I am the only teacher in my program with about 130 students and 48 FFA members. I enjoy learning about each CDE with my students, one of my favorites is the FFA Creed Speaking CDE. I like working with freshman on their speaking skills and building confidence. There is always something I can learn more about with this job, I plan to never stop learning new ways to teach and more about my content areas.
MHHS received the Idaho Quality Program Standards Start-Up Grant and purchased 30 ft by 60 ft greenhouses. The greenhouse is currently being built with the help of the community. The community of Mountain Home supports the new program and has helped in building the greenhouse. Next school year I plan to add a horticulture class and host a plant sale in the spring.


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