Collegiate FFA Gets Involved

By Maggie Elliot
Congratulations to Genesee A's Parli-Pro team, who will be representing their district at state!

At the end of FFA week, the UI campus was flooded with a flurry of blue and gold jackets, shiny black shoes, and the occasional scolding of “Tuck in your tallywacker!”
North Idaho CDE’s had begun!

Students and staff of the Agricultural Education and Extension department helped to facilitate the FFA Career Development Events of Agronomy, Prepared Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Parliamentary Procedure, hosting approximately seventy FFA members. Students of the department helped judge events, coordinated the contests, and even set up a floriculture workshop. Ag Ed majors chose to become teachers because they thrive on interactions with students, and watching competitions gave a special glimpse into the role as an Ag teacher, motivating college students to keep studying hard and pursue their career goals.

The very next day Collegiate FFA members were back at it, venturing across the state border to judge FFA speaking contests held by the Pullman FFA chapter. The Vandals emerged feeling very satisfied. “This reminds me why I want to be an Ag teacher,” noted Erin Peek, a sophomore. Helping students instill confidence within their abilities through FFA events is an important aspect of being an agriculture advisor, and helping support the system through judging is a fulfilling opportunity.

I found that whether you are from Western Washington or Southern Idaho, one thing is evident. The strength of the National FFA Organization bounds past state borders. Although the members of CFFA come from across different regions of the northwest, we are all united in a deep respect for FFA and the opportunities it provided to help us grow into the individuals we are today. We departed feeling proud to be able to give a little bit back to the organization that gave us so much.

CFFA Members at Pullman High School


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