CFFA Goes to SLC

by Mary Kate Myers
CFFA Members Travis Hoyle, Mary Kate Myers, Morgan Meyers,
Erin Peek, and Taylor Nelson at Perrine Bridge

It was a great week for CFFA members as they traveled down to Twin Falls for Idaho FFA State Leadership Conference (SLC). Members had a busy week of touring local Ag Programs as well as helping in all aspects of SLC.

The members that traveled down to SLC with CFFA, had the opportunity to visit two Ag Programs, to see their schools and ask the Ag teachers questions about their programs and teaching styles. CFFA traveled to Burley and met their three Ag teachers; Mr. Lex Godfrey, Mr. Sam Condie, and Ms. Casey Sanders. The three teachers explained the benefits of having three teachers for their Ag program and how they are able to have more classes because they can all split up the work. Members also had the chance to tour around Burley’s newest addition to their Ag Program; a newly built Ag building, complete with a Food Science Kitchen. CFFA also traveled to Oakley to meet Mr. Troy Bird, who explained his program and teaching method as a non-traditional Ag teacher. Oakley’s Ag program also received a new Ag building, which is currently being built, but CFFA members had a chance to see the part of the building that was constructed and hear about all the wonderful plans they have for their new Ag building.

 After program tours, CFFA members had a chance to tour around the city of Twin Falls, and see some of the highlights such as, Shoshone Falls as well as the Perrine Bridge. It was a great time to get out and see some of the highlights that makes Twin Falls so unique.

Shoshone Falls

            Now it was time to get to work! State Leadership Conference is a very big task to manage, CFFA members traveled down from the University of Idaho to help backstage, as well as run Career Development Events, and facilitate workshops. Members were busy all week helping to make sure over 2,000 FFA members and guests had the best week of their lives. Some CFFA members helped with staging, while others helped with Career Development Events, we also had member who ran all of Idaho FFA’s social media formats, as well as taking charge of Delegate Sessions.

       It was also a very exciting time for one CFFA member; Taylor Nelson, originally from the Meridian area, and is currently a freshman here at the University of Idaho. She is studying Agricultural Education, and traveled down to SLC with CFFA, to run for an Idaho FFA State Office. 

            Taylor was announced at the 2016-2017 Idaho State Reporter! She said that she had a great time going through the State Officer Candidate process and that her favorite part was having the opportunity to talk to Ag Business Leaders and Teachers. She is looking forward to her year as a State Officer and can’t wait to travel around the beautiful state of Idaho, meeting members from all chapters and getting to listen to their Ag Stories and discuss their interests in FFA.

            We are very proud to have one of our members serving on this State Officer team and look forward to seeing some of the other officers on campus next year, as Vandals!

(L to R) Jenny Bautista: State Secretary, Taylor Nelson: State Reporter, Faustin Wood: State Vice President, Gretchen Hansten: State President, Clayton King: State Treasurer, MaKenna Routt: State Sentinel


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